Monday, August 31, 2009

Kelompok saya yang bernamakan UP Family telah menentukan panti asuhan tempat kami akan melakukan service learning yaitu di Panti Asuhan Rumah Kehidupan. Lokasi yang dekat, tidak ada dalam daftar panti asuhan yang diberikan Bu Arlinah dan pengalaman SMA saya yang pernah melakukan service learning di panti ini yang membuat saya dan kelompok saya memilih panti asuhan ini. Kemarin pada hari minggu tepatnya tanggal 30 Agustus 2009 sekitar pukul 15.00 melakukan observasi dan survey langsung ke panti asuhan untuk meminta ijin melakukan survey learning. Saat itu saya menemui Mbak Rika yang merupakan pengurus panti asuhan dan biasa dipanggil "mama" oleh anak - anak panti asuhan tersebut. Mbak Rika juga menerima kehadiran saya dengan ramah dan terbuka sehingga pembicaraan berjalan lancar tanpa hambatan dan bisa segera mendapat ijin. Saya berada di panti asuhan itu kurang lebih 15 menit. Saya menjelaskan kedatangan saya sebagai mahasiswi Uniersitas Kristen Petra yang mempelajari pelajaran komunikasi interpersonal dan mendalami service learning dan hendak mempraktekkannya dalam panti asuhan ini. Pihak panti asuhan juga sudah menyetujui kedatangan saya dan kelompok pada bulan Oktober selama 6 minggu. Saat saya menanyakan profil singkat, sejarah beserta jajaran pengurus panti asuhan, Mbak Rika segera menjawab dengan memberikan webstie dari panti asuhan ini yaitu
Anak - anak yang diasuh di panti asuhan ini berjumlah 10 anak yang terdiri dari 3 perempuan dan 7 laki - laki yang berumur rata - rata 4 tahun hingga 6 tahun. Selain itu juga ada 6 bayi yang terlihat sedang bersantai ketika saya datang.
Jadi kesimpulan saya komunikasi interpersonal yang saya lakukan terhadap Mbak Rika yang merupakan pengurus panti asuhan dianggap sukses karena saya bisa langsung menyampaikan tujuan dan keinginan saya serta mendapatkan feedback message positif yang baik dari Mbak Rika. Semoga kegiatan service learning kelompok saya bisa berjalan dengan baik di bulan Oktober jadi baik pihak saya dan panti asuhan bisa saling membantu.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Effective communication and Interpersonal relationship

To build a good interpersonal relationship we need to make a best quality of our communication. There are some factors which effecting interpersonal communication. They are trust, supportive behavior and be open.

1. Trust : when we feel we are safe and we won’t be hurt by others when we share information and secrets. Values that needed when we want to be trust are honest, reliable and consistent. Having a good position or status will make others to trust you because having a high position means bring more responsibility. To the point when talking is also important. After saying the purposes and hopes people will trust you and a good quality of communication will grow.

2. Supportive behavior and be open : when we can give messages, feelings and perception without looking at the negative points. Become objective is also a good values of supportive behavior. Talking about problems with problem oriented not person oriented, so you can work together to find the way out not ending with gossiping other’s negative points. Looking everyone as the same person as human, we should not judge other people bad because we can’t feel the same life like others. Everyone has their own life’s problem. Respect to other people opinion and want to do self-introspection show professionalism of yourself.

Working together as a team and having a good supportive spirit is a good way to improve our interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication will decrease by ego and shy feeling. So self confident is important to build a good interpersonal communication with other people.

Friday, August 28, 2009

My 2nd meeting in Interpersonal Communication (IC)

Thursday, August 27th 2009.
I learn about Interpesonal Communication skill is the communication between 2 persons for their own will, for the good of their group or their consciousness of realtionship they have.
Interpersonal Communication purposes are to learn (sharing informations), relate (friendships or relationships), influence (gossiping), play (having fun) and help (giving advice).
IC elements are source-receiver (the persons), encoding-decoding (process to understand), messages (action), feedback messages (positive reaction and negative reaction, person focus and message focus, immediate and delayed, low monitoring and high monitoring), channel (gesture), feedforward messages.
Noise happens when the messages doesn't get by the receiver or the sender doesn't get the feedback message. It can be physical noise (wrong atmosphere, being in the noisy place), physiological (getting problem with the 5 human sense), psychological (are u with me?), semantic (language).
In this class I learn to speak up and improve my IC so I can communicate better with others.

Interpersonal Communication Reflection

This is my first blog I made for my Interpersonal Communication class.
In this class I hope I can be a better person who can communicate to other people well.
Interpersonal Communication will teach me the way to communicate better than before,formal and informal way. This skill will be useful for my future because I will use it to speak and socialize to other people. I want to get the best score and I will try to do my best in this class. I want the environment to be fun and interactive.
I hope my group "Up Family" will making a great effort to the people around us.

Ester 09!!^^