Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Perception in Interpersonal Communication

I learn about perception in interpersonal communication class last week (September 17, 2009).

There are 5 stages of perception :
1. Stimulation (selective attention and selective exposure)
2. Organization (by rules, by schemata, by scripts)
3. Interpretation - Evaluation
4. Memory
5. Recall

Some implications of preceptions are
* Everyone can have shortcuts
* We can have preceptions if we have a consistence experience, we can forget if it isn't consistence
* Everyone perceptions are subjective
* Perceptions to different culture usualy ethnocentric because we think of their culture based on our culture

I learn about self-fulfilling prophecy which can affecting our perception.
There are Implicit Personality Theory, we usualy talk about good things together (halo effect : pretty,nice,rich,smart,friendly) and bad things together (reverse halo effect : ugly,short,stupid,poor).
Perceptual accentuation is condition where we see what we expect or want to see.
There are some people who is primacy (1st impression is important) or recency (last impression).
We want other people to do consistency in what they do like keep care to us, keep be nice to us, keep being our friend, keep etc.

Before we make a perception of others we should :
1. Consensus : similarity with others
2. Consistency : similarity over time
3. Distinctiveness : similarity in different situation
4. Controllability : ability to control their behavior

There are some attribution errors which are,
# The self-serving bias (blame on other people)
# Overattribution (over judging people)
# The fudamental attribution error (judge base on their internal factors)

We can analize perception, check the perception, reduce unceratinty, increase culture sensitivity (recognize differences, confront your stereotypes, adjust your communication, manage culture shock) to increase accuration of our perception.

After all interpersonal communication class teach me to socialize better than before.

He's just not that into you~

I've just watched this movie and it's a VERY NICE movie..
U better watch it too^^

Rating : *****

He's just not that into you~

I've just watched this movie and it's a VERY NICE movie..
U better watch it too^^

Rating : *****

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Watching Star Trek in my 1st holiday^^

Yesterday I watched Star Trek with my friends and I think it's a nice movie..
The actors are good looking and funny..
The plot not bad..
It takes around 2 hours..
Rating : ****

Friday, September 11, 2009

Library Rally in Library's Best Friend (Rally perpus di sahabat perpus..Hha^^)

Hari jumat yang indah ini dimulai dengan belajar adobe dreamweaver cs4 dan belajar membuat website dalam mata kuliah PPA.
Lumayan seru..
Dulu pas SMA aku juga uda perna belajar tapi macromedia dreamweaver bukan adobe.
Cukup berbeda meskipun lumayan sama.
Lalu tutor hari ini makan'' karena astornya telat..wkwk
Tutor membahas hal-hal yang akan dilakukan dalam 7 hari sebelum meninggal.
Hari ini aku juga ngikutin rally perpus di ukm Sahabat Perpus..
Ada 6 pos dan big boss..
Smua yang ikut sahabat perpus dibagi menjadi 12 kelompok yang berisi 6 orang.
Tadi aku kelompok 6 dan anggotanya hanya 3, aku yuliana dan yulius.
Yuliana dari jurusan DKV kalo yulius tadi lupa tanya..Hha^^
Dari 6 pos itu kelompokku lulus 5 kali tidak lulus sekali.
Di pos terakhir yang bernama BIG BOSS.
Kelompokku bertemu kelompok finna namun pada akhirnya yang menang adalah kelompok finna.Sebagai juara 2 aku bangga.Hha^^
Minggu depan ga ada UKM mungkin aku bisa ngunjungin UKM'' lainnya..

Weekends planning :
Bsok rencananya mau pergi ke TP tapi masi belom pasti sapa aja yang pergi dan bagaimana atur transportnya. Moga'' bisa pergi soalnya aku maw cobain sour sally yang baru buka trus superr ramee gt.. XD
TP I'm comiiing..wkwk
Sedangkan hari minngu kayaknya maw ada party buat anak - anak yang kenal ama celia,andrey,cynthia-xiao ping,vania-jo'' ama ferdi-helen..
Silahkan kosongkan perut sejak siang..wkwk
Traktiran itu baik untuk dimanfaatkan..
Joq lupa bawa kado buat yang ultah lowh (Khusus buat yang ngerasa blom ngasi kado..wkwk)
Fun weekends.. =)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Service Learning

Service Learning is a method of teaching which students apply their academic skills and their soft skills to real-life needs in their own communities.

Service Learning provides a compelling reason to learn, teaches the skills of civic participation and develops an ethic of service and civic responsibility. Service learning increases motivation and retention of academic skills as specific learning goals are tied to community needs. By solving real problems and addressing real needs, students learn to apply classroom learning to a real world context. At the same time, students provide valuable services to social places and communities.

Service Learning emphasize both the service and the learning. By applying classroom content to community settings, service-learning is a way to provide more authenticity and purpose for classroom learning. By contrast, community service emphasizes the habits and soft skills.

Service-learning activities establish clear educational goals that require the application of concepts, content and skills from the academic disciplines, and teamwork. Students must doing some tasks that challenge them cognitively and developmentally. Assessment is used to enhance student learning and to document and evaluate how well students have met content and skills standards. Students also doing service tasks that have clear goals, meet genuine needs in the school or community and have significant consequences for themselves and others. Service-learning activities maximize student participation in selecting, designing, implementing, and evaluating the service project. Students prepare for all aspects of their service work, including a clear understanding of the task, the skills and information required to complete the task, awareness of safety precautions, and knowledge about and sensitivity to others.

My Self in Interpersonal Communication

Today I learn a lot about my self in Interpersonal Communication. I learn that my personality is made by 3 factors, they are Others' Images of You (means other people opinion about us build our personality, they made opinion without being asked), Social Comparison (means our opinion about ourself compare with other people, we usually do it automatically without thinking. Everytime we compare ourself with people around us and change the way we talk or the way we think become like them), and Cultural Teachings (means cultures which build our personality because cultures usually become part of us).
I learn that there is 4 things about our personality which are Open Self (my characters that both I and others know), Blind Self (my characters that just other people know, usually they gossiping about our negative points that we don't even realize it), Hidden Self (my characters that only I who know it, usually my bad habbits,etc) and Unknown Self (my characters that both I and others don't know).
I learn to do self-disclosure my values, beliefs, desires, my behaviour, and my self-qualities or characteristics.
I do the Apprehensive quiz and got 20 as my points.Hha^^
They said I'm a little afraid to talk or communicate..
My friends said I'm loud and talkative.. XD
I also learn some factors that increase communication apprehension, they are degree of evaluation, subordinate status, degree of conspicuousness, degree of unpredictability, degree of dissimilarity, prior successes and failures, and lack of communication skills and experiment.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Perkembangan tugas'' komal

Project service learning : saya telah mengurus surat ijin dan surat permohonan kunjungan studi yang akan saya berikan secepatnya kepada pengurus panti asuhan Rumah Kehidupan. Karena letaknya yang berada disebelah rumah saya maka saya bisa dengan mudah memberikannya disesuaikan dengan jadwal yang ada. Perencanaan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan sejauh ini saya telah berunding dengan pengurus panti dan kelompok saya akan mengajar baca tulis kepada anak - anak di panti asuhan Rumah Kehidupan.

Movie Analysis : saya baru saja menyelesaikan movie analysis dan melakukan pembenaran dari yang telah saya lakukan dikelas yang lalu.


Bsok ada komal lagii..
Tugasnya apaan yaah??

Monday, September 7, 2009


I learn about AP with Luci my friend and some of the asdos 08..
They are very nice and very loud!
I understand more about AP..
Thank you to my asdosss..wkwk

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Planning for this week..

Monday : If I can make the appointement with asdos then I can have a private lesson with my friendss together about AP.. ( >.< ) Rearrange my anjem..
Tuesday : FULL study time from 7.30 to 19.30.. ( so tiring.. ) Meet my bff for lunch.. Study together with my friends or sharing homeworkss^^
Wednesday : Private lesson if the asdos can do the private lesson.. AP practicum with weird teacher n 2 freak GG asdoss..ckck
Thursday : Uni time from 7.30 - 16.30 (meet komal with a lot of projcets.. >.<)
Friday : PPA,tutor,library rally^^ (finest day of the week) Having fun with all of the infor students for celebratin Celia's b'day, Andrey's b'day, new couple Ferdi n Helen, couple cynthia n xiao ping, couple vania n jo''..(Hari ini ato hr minggu yaah jadie??Katae klo hari sabtu tuh astor ga isa smua lowh..)
Saturday : AP resp with a super freak teacher.. Having fun with all of the infor ladies in TP^^
Sunday : Go to church..Doing a looot of homeworksss etc..

Friday, September 4, 2009


For everyone of my friendsss..
I'm so sorry if I did something bad consciously or unconsciously..
I'm sorry for every mistake I've done and I hope u will forgive me..
I hope our friendship will be like a family..
We can share things together and there will be no prejudice and anger inside it..
I'm sorry if sometimes I'm not in the mood and become so annoying or not sensitive..
I know I'm moody and I can be sad 1 minute after I'm happy..
I understand it's a bad habbit and it shows that I'm childish..
I hope I can learn from my mistakes in the past and be a better person in the future..
I want to keep our frindship FOREVER!
Thank you for all of my friends that already care to me..
Treat me so nice even though u just know me..
Thank you for spending a lot of great times and fun times with me..
Love u all!

Friendss are the pot of gold in the end of the rainbow..
Life's greatest treasure..

We need Interpersonal Communication for our future!

Interpersonal Communications is the transmission of information from one person to another and their understanding of it through the use of common language or symbols. It is a way of interacting and happens always at all times whether you want it to happen or not. However, just because you transmit a message, it does not presuppose that communication happens. Without both information and understanding on the part of the other person, communication (understanding of your message) does not occur. The efficiency at which you communicate will determine the level of happiness and success in your life. Most people do not think about or realize how they are communicating to others. It is affected by how you look, body language, attitude, perceptions, know the process and understanding each others. Other people’s opinion and relationship with you is dependent on your image, which stems from your interaction and behavior. Their perception of the quality you give will effect their decision to deal and have a right relationship with you. How you interact with others will create an image in their minds, whether you are someone to be trusted and credible or someone not worthy of their time. nterpersonal communications happens every where from personal contact, to marketing, advertising, sales, employee interaction, stockholders, employee to supervisors and management, and public relations. As technology advances, it is imperative to learn, embrace and use effective communication. You need to provide leadership in its growth, for the sake of time, production, growth and credibility. It is also important to realize that communicating through different devices and mediums contains different challenges and considerations.

Interpersonal Communication is Important

Interpersonal communication involves a close group of participants. It is basically the everyday conversations you carry on and it includes speeches, general friendly exchanges, arguments and basically anytime you speak to someone. Interpersonal communication involves face to face encounters. You are talking in person not over a computer, phone or through written information. You can get immediate responses. You are also able to benefit from body language. You hear a voice where you can pick up on different dialects and speech patterns. The variances in interpersonal communication involve the people and situations. You communicate differently with someone you know well verses a stranger. You will have different topics of conversation when talking to your preacher or your best friend. These variations make interpersonal communication flexibility important for difference circumstances. Interpersonal communication is important because you need it to develop throughout the stages of life. You get so much from interpersonal communication. You learn, teach and get an identity through interpersonal communicaton. You also share with others who you are. You need interpersonal communication to learn how to pronounce words correctly, how to speak properly in certain situations and how to communicate in general. Interpersonal communication has taken a back seat to other forms of communication in recent years. More people than ever are using the internet to exchange information and make contact with others. We must also be sure to keep interpersonal communication in our lives. Without it babies will never learn to talk properly and we can never expand our language abilities through learning form others speech. The spoken word should never have its importance underestimated.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

KANGEN BFFss Q (part 3)

Kangen ama tivii meskipun br ktemu..
Kangen karaokean plus foto'' bejibun!!
Pingin JJ brng tivii..
Pingin godain tivii ama dobel L nya..
Pingin ngakak pas de crita ttg mr.D..

Pingin crita klo td aq ktemu ama sinyo yg suka acak''in rmbtnya itu..

Pingin ngmg klo aq emanx beneran uda ilfil ama bryan!
Pingin crita klo infor tuh sussah amat..
Pingin crita arex'' yg msk infor pinter'' lowh..Giman yaah klo nilai q ga bgs??

Pingin kaburr ke rumahe meskipun spooky..

Pingin dengerin joke e de..

Pingin nanya “gimana kabare si mata??”

Pingin ngmg BKL tmbh syere yaah?

Pingin bilang aq kangen ama elek!

Pingin bikin best friend baru di infor tapi koq blom ada yg be there for me gt..

Pingin crita temen’’ disini cm isa bwat have fun

Pingin crita ntar arex’’ infor mawtraktiran lowh..

Pingin ngmg nunggu kaos e cwe’’ infor bikin pnasaran..

Pingin crita ada asdos ganteng tapi GJ n ga guna!

Pingin prgi ke BNS(bandung nuansa sensasional..Bwahaha^^) brng tivii..

Pingin nanya maw kado apa pas ultah??mesio ultahe masi lamaa..

Pingin ketemu ae n taw de ada disitu buat aq,nemeni aq dengerin curhat q n buat aq ketawa..

KANGEN BFFss Q (part 2)

Lagi kangen ama SW..
Pingin kerumah e..
Pingin ktemu ama muffin nunggu moga'' ga nggonggong..
Pingin lyat 2 golden e yg lucuu tp smelly delly itu..
Pingin pegi GM brng truz ke wendys inget'' masa junior high school terus ketawa ttg double date pertama q..
Pingin nntn brng sw smbl maem popcorn..
Pingin lyat'' inbox e truz nggarai de..
Pingin buka kado b'day brng de..
Pingin denger gossip ttg fans'' e yg brtmbh bnyk d aussie..
Pingin denger uni e yg br..
Pingin denger ttg apartment e de..
Pingin ajak de kliling ukp..
Pingin crita ttg semua org di ukp..
Pingin ngenalin de ama smua tmn'' baru q..
Pingin crita klo hidup ini tmbh sussah krn de slalu isa bikin aq ketawa wkt aq skt,wkt aq badmud,wkt aq maw nangis..

KANGEN BFFss Q (part 1)

Miss u my bffs!!

Lagi kangen ama loraa..
Pingin prgi ke kamare..
Bongkar'' tmpt dvd..
Pingin foto'' yg bnyk..
Pingin maem cak moo bareng..
Pingin nntn 90210 bareng..
Pingin nntn GG bareng..
Pingin maen hippo pink e..
Pingin pergi GM ampe mlm truz de yg nyetir..
Pingin kasi surprise pas b'day e..
Pingin maem wendys sambil nggosip brng de..
Pingin bli quickly bareng..
Pingin karaokean!!
Pingin triak'' brng..
Pingin nangis terus meluk de..

Biography orang sukses (OPRAH GAIL WINFREY)

Oprah Gail Winfrey

Oprah lahir pada tanggal 29 Januari 1954 di Kosciusko, Mississippi, ia dibesarkan di sebuah perternakan oleh neneknya yang keras (Hattie Mae) selama enam tahun.

Ketika berusia enam tahun, ibunya, Vernita, mendapatkan pekerjaan sebagai pembantu di Milwaukee, Wisconsin dan akhirnya mengambil Oprah kembali dari neneknya. Di Milwaukee, ia harus tinggal dalam satu kamar bersama ibu dan dua saudara tiri, laki – laki dan perempuan. Setiap hari Vernita meninggalkan anak-anak itu pagi-pagi sekali dan baru pulang pada malam hari, sehingga ia tidak punya waktu untuk keluarganya.

Agar ibunya memperhatikannya, Oprah sering kabur dari rumah. Pada usianya yang ke-9, ia mengalami pelecehan seksual oleh sepupunya yang berusia 19 tahun yang sedang bertugas menjaganya. Oprah yakin itu kesalahannya dan tidak menceritakan apa yang ia alami kepada siapapun.

Menginjak usia 14 tahun, Oprah hamil dan bayinya meninggal tidak lama setelah dilahirkan. Ketika Oprah melarikan diri selama satu minggu, ibunya memutuskan untuk mengirim Oprah hidup bersama ayahnya di Nashville. Oprah yang benar–benar takut dengan ayahnya, kalau sampai ia sanggup tinggal bersama ayahnya, ia akan merubah hidupnya, ia akan menunjukan siapa dia yang sebenarnya.

Pada umur 14 tahun, Oprah tinggal bersama ayahnya (Vernon Winfrey) dan ibu tiri nya (Zelma) yang merupakan anggota terhormat masyarakat Tennessee.

Ayah Oprah tidak bisa mentoleransi sikap negatif Oprah atau nilai sekolahnya yang buruk. Oprah memperoleh nilai – nilai C di Milwaukee, tetapi hanya nilai A yang bisa diterima oleh ayahnya.

Awalnya, Oprah benci pada aturan tegas dan harapan tinggi mereka. Tapi, ternyata justru itulah yang ia perlukan, orangtua yang membuat peraturan dan menerapkannya dengan tegas, tapi juga memberikan cinta dan perhatian yang diinginkannya. Oprah pun bangkit.

Tidak saja nilai sekolahnya yang meroket, Oprah juga jadi lebih ramah dan populer daripada sebelumnya.

Pada usia 16 tahun, Oprah menempuh perjalanan ke Los Angeles untuk menjadi pembicara di suatu gereja.

Pada usia 17 tahun, dia memperoleh pekerjaan pertamanya di dunia pertunjukan sebagai penyiar berita di stasiun radio lokal. Mereka bahkan membayarnya $100 per minggu, yang terhitung besar buat siswa sekolah menengah pada tahun 1970-an.Pada usianya yang ke-19, ia ditemukan oleh sebuah stasiun televisi di Nashille untuk dipekerjakan sebagi wartawan dan penyiar berita.

The Oprah Winfrey Show

Pada 1976, Oprah menjadi pembawa acara TV di Baltimore dan kemudian dipromosikan sebagai pendamping pemandu acara bincang-bincang pagi (talk show) yang bernama People Are Talking (Orang–orang Mulai Berbicara).

Pada 1984, Oprah mendapatkan terobosan besar. Dia diminta menjadi pemandu acaranya sendiri disebuah Chicago. Acara A. M. Chicago mengudara pada waktu yang sama dengan acara Phill Donahue Show yang populer.tetapi tidak butuh waktu lama bagi Oprah untuk menurunkan Phill dan takhtanya. Dalam waktu singkat dia menjadi bintang di 120 kota besar di seluruh Amerika.

The Oprah Winfrey Show membuat debut nasional pertamanya pada tahun 1986, dan meraih sukses dengan cepat dengan menjadi pertunjukan yang paling populer di televisi, menjadikannya wanita kulit hitam yang bangkit dari kemiskinan dan menjadi bintang dengan bayaran tertinggi.

The Oprah Winfrey Show menjadi talk show nomer satu saat itu,Acara ini di tonton oleh 48 juta pemirsa setiap minggunya di Amerika dan disiarkan secara internasional di 126 negara.

Pendiri Majalah dan Direktur Editorial

Pada bulan April tahun 2000, Oprah dan Majalah Hearts memperkenalkan O, The Oprah Magazine,Majalah tersebut menjadi majalah yang sukses dalam sejarah penerbitan dengan sirkulasi 2,3 juta pembaca setiap bulannya.

Di April 2002, Oprah meluncurkan edisi pertama internasional dari O, The Oprah Magazine di Afrika Selatan.

Bukti kesuksesan Oprah Winfrey ditunjukkan dari pengakuan dunia akan kemampuannya :

1. Penghargaan sebagai 100 orang paling berpengaruh di dunia versi Majalah TIME (2004-2006)

2. 2005 National Freedom Award dari Musium Hak-hak Sipil Nasional (National Civil Rights Museum) – 2005

3. 2005 International Emmy Founders Award dari International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences - 2005

4. Penghargaan Global Aksi-aksi Kemanusiaan (Global Humanitarian Action Award ) dari Asosiasi PBB Amerika (United Nations Association of the United States of America) – 2004

5. Penghargaan atas Jasa Terhormat (Distinguished Service Award) dari Asosiasi Penyiaran Nasional (National Association of Broadcasters) – 2004

6. Association of American Publishers – AAP Honors Award (2003)

7. 54th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards® – Bob Hope Humanitarian Award (2002)

8. National Book Foundation – 50th Anniversary Gold Medal (1999)

9. National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences® – Lifetime Achievement Award (1998)

International Radio & Television Society Foundation – Gold Medal Aw

Aku dan Dirimu

Masih inget ama poem q yg ini??
(khusus buat temen'' SMA yg buka..Terutama yg muji'' poem ini setelah jadi..Hha^^)

Lagi kangen ama orang yg menginspirasi aq bikin poem ini jadi tak post disini supaya waktu org itu liat ini dia inget juga ama aq..Miss u~

Aku dan Dirimu

Saat – saat bersamamu selalu membuatku bahagia

Tertawa.. Berbagi.. Menangis..

Bersamamu kulewati indahnya hidup

Bersamamu kubagi setengah dari hidupku

Bersamamu kulewati berbagai masalah yang bertambah

Ada saatnya ketika ratu masalah memisahkan kita

Ratu masalah memberiku banyak goresan hingga hatiku menangis

Ketika pada akhirnya kita kembali bersama hatiku terlahir kembali

Tak bisa kubayangkan hidupku tanpamu..




Tetaplah menjadi dirimu selamanya karena disitulah aku menemukan hatiku

Ester ~ 23 September 2008