Friday, September 4, 2009


For everyone of my friendsss..
I'm so sorry if I did something bad consciously or unconsciously..
I'm sorry for every mistake I've done and I hope u will forgive me..
I hope our friendship will be like a family..
We can share things together and there will be no prejudice and anger inside it..
I'm sorry if sometimes I'm not in the mood and become so annoying or not sensitive..
I know I'm moody and I can be sad 1 minute after I'm happy..
I understand it's a bad habbit and it shows that I'm childish..
I hope I can learn from my mistakes in the past and be a better person in the future..
I want to keep our frindship FOREVER!
Thank you for all of my friends that already care to me..
Treat me so nice even though u just know me..
Thank you for spending a lot of great times and fun times with me..
Love u all!

Friendss are the pot of gold in the end of the rainbow..
Life's greatest treasure..

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